QUC Governence

Office Bearers

Church Council Chair

Ian Robinson


Colin Imrie

Church Council

According to the regulations of the Uniting Church (3.1.2) Church Council’s main priority is to build the congregation up in faith and love. This means encouraging each member to be active disciples in all of their life, not just while in the church building.

The point of active discipleship is to participate in Christ’s mission in the world. The church believes that mission (loving and serving the world in God’s name) belongs to God. God is already doing it in millions of different ways within all our communities. Church Council helps the congregation identify what God is doing and then join in as best they can. This is the main purpose of each meeting and should be reflected in whatever agenda is set.

Other responsibilities are:

For more details on each of these responsibilities see: Church Council Ministry Role & Regulations.

The Church Council meets once a month to jointly plan, consider issues of importance and make collective decisions. As servants of Christ, Church Council members are called upon to share their gifts and work collegiately with one another, the Minister and other members of the Congregation to fulfil the responsibilities of the Council.

Church Council Member Term: 1 to 5 years

Congregation Chair

The Congregation gathers to hear God’s Word and celebrate the Sacraments, build one another up in love and share the wider responsibilities of the Church and to serve the world. The Congregation envisions the direction of the Church mission. The Congregation elects the Church Council. The Congregation considers and approves the annual budget at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Congregation considers and approves the calling of any Minister(s) of the Word or other people in specified ministries. The congregation elects a Chair and Secretary of the Congregation and seeks consensus on any other issues that affect the Congregation, it should meet at least twice a year and be conducted as per the Uniting Church Manuel for Meetings.

The key roles of the Chairperson include:

Chairperson term: 1 to 5 years

The position is currently vacant

Congregation Secretary

The Secretary role includes:

Secretary term: 1 to 5 years

The position is currently vacant

QUC Presbytery Representatives

‘The Presbytery shall have such oversight as is necessary to the life and mission of the Church in the area committed to it; it shall stimulate and encourage the Congregations within the bounds, providing them with opportunities for counsel in the strengthening and assistance of one another and in their participation in wider aspects of the work of the Church. The Presbytery shall also have such further responsibilities as may be assigned to it by the Assembly or Synod and may do such other things as are consistent with the purposes of the Church, not being the exclusive responsibility of any other council or body within the Church.’  (UCA constitution para 26)

We are part of the Canberra Region Presbytery which meets at least four times a year. Based on the size of our congregation we are eligible to elect one Presbytery representative.

Presbytery Representative term: 1 year.  Our current representative is Colin Imrie

See how QUC fits into the wider Uniting Church structure.

Office Bearer Elections

The election of church council members and officer bearers is an important and significant moment in the life of QUC as we seek to serve God and walk his path together. God calls all of us to follow and serve in his name utilising the gifts we are each given. As a congregation we are to decern, pray on and elect from amongst us leaders for the good governance of QUC as we seek to fulfill God’s Mission for his Church in our local community. We should seek to elect those we believe will help keep us moving forward on God’s path to the future; will bring wisdom and discernment; energy and courage; spiritual and practical insight; grace, hope and love as we seek to serve God and our community as best we can together. 

All those in leadership roles need to be familiar with our code of conduct and sign the Code of Conduct for Lay Leaders, as established by the National Assembly of the Uniting Church,

Typically elections are held annually at the beginning of the year.

Election Flowchart

The QUC election process is depicted in this flowchart.