It is such a delight to see people volunteering to be involved and using their gifts to build up the Body of Christ. It brings a richness to our worship and witness when a variety of people volunteer and share of themselves as they serve our church community. Some of the roles are done in teams and this is a great way to get to know people a little better. A reminder will be sent via email or you can check the roster on the notice board near the crying room. Training is available for people to learn new skills and roles to assist you to step out in faith. You can be put in touch with someone who has been on the roster and can help you get started. We invite you to pray about how you can be involved.
Rosters are normally done for about 4 months at a time.
The following roles are needed to maintain our worship and our property:
Flower arrangers for the worship space
Welcomers - this requires the greeters to arrive early and welcome people
Bible Reader - Apelu will email you the reading
Prayers of the people - a format can be given to follow or even a prayer written by someone else could be read
Musicians for Worship
Audio-visual - this requires the person to arrive around 9am to turn everything on and get the PowerPoint going as well as setting up Zoom and the PA system and moving the slides forward through the songs etc
Morning tea - this needs a team of 2 to 4 people each Sunday who provide the food, milk etc. The cups etc need to be set up before worship and then everything cleaned up after morning tea
Holy Communion preparation once a month, set up and packed up afterward
Grounds roster - mowing, whipper snipping etc. (This is done in a team.)
If you are willing to participate on the roster in any of these roles fill in our enquiry form or speak to Apelu Tielu or Ian Gray