Governence Resources
Resources for Church Council
Covenanting Statement and Response, Covenant with UAICC Poster
Multicultural Statement, View the 30th Anniversary Poster of the statement.
Response of National Young Adults Leaders Conference held in 2012.
Consensus: How we make decisions in the Uniting Church and why we use the consensus model
Code of Conduct for Lay Leaders (form to be signed)
This toolbox provided by synod contains resources to help Congregations to plan risk, administration and compliance activities throughout the year with ease, helping to free up time to focus on more mission and ministry-related activities. It contains a calendar of events and activities for the year, as well as links to Synod resources and webpages.
This toolkit is accompanied by a quarterly newsletter from the Synod containing reminders of upcoming risk, administration and compliance activities, as well as other related news and updates.